17 March 2014

Kingston wins share of £100m Mayor of London cycle funding for 'mini Holland' project

Last weeks Kingston Guardian carried this story - great news for cyclists in and around Surrey

Kingston wins share of £100m Mayor of London cycle funding for 'mini Holland' project

10:30am Monday 10th March 2014
Kingston has won a bid to turn the borough into a 'mini-Holland' cycling haven as part of a £100m initiative by the Mayor of London.
The announcement was made at City Hall in London this morning.
Kingston is one of three winners, along with Enfield and Waltham Forest, who will now share a £100m pot to turn their boroughs into cycle friendly districts with a series of innovations.
Each winning applicant will receive up to £30m to turn its vision for cycling into a reality, with the remaining £10m to be divided between four other shortlisted boroughs, including Richmond and Merton.
The Greater London Authority will be writing to the winners within the next two weeks informing them of how it wants the money spent, based on their applications.
Your Local Guardian:
Yes: The 700m Thames Boardwalk will almost certainly be built following Kingston's winning bid
Your Local Guardian:
Maybe: The proposed Superskyway (above and below) next to Kingston Bridge is also a possibility
Your Local Guardian:

Kingston's application included an elevated 'superskyway' cycle bridge over the Thames, as well as a 700-metre boardway along the river.
There were also radical plans to turn the front of Kingston station into a pedestrian and cyclist only plaza, with car traffic passing underground through a newly-built underpass.
The underpass proposal has already been written off, as it is likely to cost about £40m - more than the bid money itself.
But the idea to transform the front of the station is still a priority.
Councillor Simon James, lead member for transport, said it was almost certain the boardway idea would go ahead, as mayor Boris Johnson mentioned it in his speech at City Hall today.
He said: "I don't think that would have been in his speech if he didn't want it.
"The whole underpass thing isn't going to happen, but this money will allow a lot more at the station and make access to the town centre much better.
"The plaza and the boardway are in the yes category - as for the rest we'll have to wait and see."
New cycling routes connecting Kingston town centre with Surbiton and New Malden are also on the cards.
At the launch, Kingston Council leader Liz Green said: "We are a cycle-loving borough. So we are naturally delighted to have secured funding through the Mini Holland initiative to transform cycling infrastructure in Kingston in the coming years.
"We have many innovative plans including landmark projects, major network improvements and a range of complementary measures."
Your Local Guardian:
Not quite: Kingston station will still get a new plaza, but not the proposed underpass
Your Local Guardian:
Hopes are still high that Surbiton station will also get a new plaza and cycle hub as part of the successful bid
Your Local Guardian:
Your Local Guardian:
New cycle routes connecting Kingston with New Malden and Surbiton are likely to be built
Your Local Guardian:
Your Local Guardian:

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