10 July 2014
Hit and Run Driver dramatically caught on camera
Hit and Run Driver dramatically
caught on camera

A cyclist being hit by
a hit and run driver would not normally make the news – but this case was a
little different – as it was all caught on camera by the unfortunate cyclist.
Patrick Knetemann was
using a ‘bullet’ cam on his handlebars when the incident occurred, and therefore
had footage of the driver swerving across his path, the collision occurring,
and the guilty driver driving off whilst Mr Knetemann was left lying in the
Fortunately an off
duty paramedic was soon on the seen, and took Mr Knetemann to hospital.
You would think the
driver would be ‘banged to rights’ – but unfortunately not.
It transpired that the
vehicle had a false registration number.
At the moment the
Thames Valley Police are investigating – but the driver is currently untraced..
Mr Knetemann suffered
fractures to discs in his neck and bruising to his upper body.
So what of Mr
Knetemann’s injuries and the damage to his bike?
With the driver
untraced, and probably untraceable, can Mr Kneteman do anything about his
injuries and losses?
Fortunately the answer
is yes, thanks to a body called the Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB). The MIB was
set up to protect the innocent victims of uninsured and untraced motorists.
It is a government
body, funded by all motor insurers.
The MIB is known as a
fund of last resort -meaning that they only become involved where no other source of compensation is available. The amounts claimable against the MIB are not the
same as the full amount that could have been claimed had the guilty party been
identified, but it remains a safety net for those, like Mr Kneteman, who find
themselves the victim of such criminal behaviour.
At Cycle Accident
Helpline we are specialise in cycle accidents, including those involving
uninsured and untraced motorists. If you want to discuss a claim, or possible claim,
or just have a query – please don’t hesitate to contact us for free, no
obligation advice.
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