14 October 2014

BoJo Urged not to give in to 'old men in limos'

The Olympic Gold medalllist Chris Boardman has urged Boris Johnson not to give into pressure from 'old men in limos', and scrap plans for the cycle superhighways across London.
Following the mayor's proposals for a 'Crossrail for bikes' across the capital, there has been a mixed response from companies and the public alike.
Chris Boardman wrote in an article on the Guardian website that 'There is an intense lobbying operation to destroy the plans, led by just one company, Canary Wharf Group, and by the City of London Corporation'.
Michael Welbank, planning Chairman of the City of London Corporation, said they supported the plans in principal, but claimed the proposals are 'heavily biased towards cycling' - something which Boardman said was like 'opposing Crossrail on the grounds that it is heavily biaised towards trains'.

Full details of the TFL consultations can be found here:-


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